kubernetes Helm Secret Juggling This solution requires a values file with the following schema. Notice how each component is in components. The best part of this is that if there is no secrets property in the component, it will skip the secrets template. If no value is provided by setting it via the command
kubernetes Kubectl config helpers If you manage multiple k8s clusters you have no doubt tinkered with different ways to store and use the config files.
kubernetes cheat sheet Update an env variable in a running pod kubectl set env deployment <deployment_name> <VAR_NAME>=false -n <namespace> Remove an env variable from a running deployment (note the - after the VAR_NAME) kubectl set env deployment <deployment_name> <VAR_
bash She Bang Bin Bash Apparently, Apple is being a big baby and not installing a modern version of bash on macOs any longer. macOs is currently shipping with bash version 3. This is fine in most cases but what if you want to use some of the modern conveniences that come with bash >
astrophotography Burn exif meta data to photos People always ask me "what were your camera settings for that photo", so I wrote some bash functions to burn the relevant data to the bottom of the image. The following bash functions assume a few things: * you are on a Mac or Linux system * You know how
astrophotography Strawberry Super Moon Best shot I could get of the strawberry super moon with a foreground object. The humidity was definitely a factor in the focus here.
astrophotography Shoot the Moon Unfortunately, it was raining for the lunar eclipse where I live so I got out a couple days before, and a day after to get some photos of the moon.
coding Netcat Tar Pipe Lets face it, sometimes we need to move massive amounts of data between servers. wouldn't it be great if it wasn't so darn slow? In some cases rsync would do the job just fine, but it gets slowed down when it has to do checksum checks
GitLab SSL certificate error Modify the letsencrypt rb file to disable the staging cert section sudo vi /opt/gitlab/embedded/cookbooks/cache/cookbooks/letsencrypt/resources/certificate.rb comment out the following block acme_certificate 'staging' do alt_names new_resource.alt_names unless new_resource.alt_names.empty? key_size new_resource.
git Lint Typescript Before pushing with Pre Push Hooks If you aren't linting your Typescript before pushing your code, you are probably pushing bugs.
linux Useful Linux Commands Here are some useful linux commands for the terminal that are not as widely known or used. Many of them can also be used on MacOs as well.
git Add branch name to commit messages Let's face it. we have to do some "paper pushing" as a developer sometimes so that all the company's tools work together. USE CASE: As a developer, we are required to add the JIRA ticket number to our commit messages so that the Product
big sur Case Sensitive Git on a Mac like a Boss (APFS) By default, MacOs uses a filesystem format that is not case sensitive APFS. That means that the directories a and A are essentially the same. This is a problem when working collaboratively with people using Linux or another case sensitive file system
big sur VS Code Big Sur Terminal Lag If you are dealing with terminal lag with the integrated terminal in vs code since upgrading MacOs to Big Sur, you're not alone. Drop the following command into your terminal. codesign --remove-signature /Applications/Visual\ Studio\ Code.app/Contents/Frameworks/Code\ Helper\ \(Renderer\).app Then restart vs code
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Downgrade Homebrew Cask installed version of package The techniques herein have been ported from the fantastic blog post located here Cask file You can modify a cask file so it will force brew to install an older version of a package # List installed packages brew cask list # Edit Cask file brew cask edit <PackageName> # e.
ubuntu Ubuntu No space left on device with plenty of space left When attempting to use tab completion on my ubuntu 16.04 box running on an AWS EC2 instance I was greeted with the following error in the terminal. cannot create temp file for here-document: No space left on device with plenty of space left I ran the following command to